Vicky, this is the second chapter for me. Marvelously entertaining with a nice flow. Now I'm really looking forward to more, more. I think that you're my favorite character in these tales. Easy to see why Kai may be falling (or have already fallen) in love with you. I could develop a crush myself, but I'm smart enough to realize that if I love you I'll die...... Take care for now.

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Sep 16Liked by Vicky Xu

The audio version is wonderful! Don't stop!

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Vicky, I love your spirit and immensely enjoyed reading how your mind works. I can't fully relate to what you're going through but I live in Thailand and I have experienced glimpses of what you have described. Many older gens living in Bangkok have been highly affected by the propaganda. Most of my family members have been educated in the west but since COVID, anti-west and pro-China rhetoric has been popping up everywhere. My mother refused to acknowledge any atrocities committed by the Chinese government - for example, saying that the concentration camp was fake news.

Reading your stories have given me much needed hope and inspiration. You are truly a fighter and I admire your humour despite what you're going through. I wish you safety and strength wherever you go.

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It is terrifying how effective Chinese and Russian propaganda has been across the world. Both countries have armies of inexpensive labor to use in filling various cultural forums with content and comments designed to both hide their own atrocities and promote dissention in foreign countries, especially their neighbors like Thailand. Thailand's history of being close to the US makes it even more of a target.

Here in the US most show up a racist or rude online posts designed to create unrest. It is shockingly effective. The US probably needs to beef up Voice of America and the British the BBC world service to counter the new Cold War (between China and the rest of the world).

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That's exactly how I see it too. Humanity needs to be a lot more informed on what's going on - we're not as 'protected' as we thought we are. I have gotten to an argument with my mum a couple of times about forwarding fake news and back then, she shrugged her shoulders and said she just wanted to see others' reactions. I ended up explaining that if she forwards it without checking first, and it's fake news, she's part of the problem. I have now become their go-to fact checker and wow, the propaganda machine is on steroid these days.

Thailand is in an interesting position. Continuing our historical strategy, we've not officially taken any side (our country has never been conquered). As someone living locally, there's a Gotham vibe to how our society functions. It's very hard to put into words but I feel our people lack the integrity to fight for the right things. Protests are deemed 'stupid' now - something only done by the younger gen. The Machiavelli traits are often praised openly.

I think China is targeting everyone - no stone left unturned. It's just that war looks a bit different these days - consumerism and attention.

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You tell an excellent story. I am loving all of these. Please keep writing.

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We might be soft, but in America at a concert if someone faints, the paramedics will come by and check for head injuries. Your friend sounds like he’s fine, but you really can drop dead eight hours after sustaining a head injury that seems mild.

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"and a massage gun"

Vicky, whoever told you about the beneficial effects of inserting 9mm of heated metal to massage others internally 1) that was a Russian 2) and that rhymes with liar!

No wonder you can't keep a boyfriend. "Lead poisoning" is a hell of a way to go!

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Your life story is raw, heartbreaking and so important right now.

When will your book be available ?

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Hi. Great writing. Can you link to Taiwanese song you reference at the beginning of this? I can’t find it through my algo.

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Always superb. Every thread has a shadow that hints at another meaning. I love it, thank you for sharing 🙏

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PS if you made the audio a paid perk, and always did the audio version while drinking and smoking, I would probably pay for a subscription.

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Haha thank you. I’ll keep making audio content while keeping everything free:)

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When can we see a film adaptation of your story :D

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